Yesterday, Doctors Manitoba had communicated new details on virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following the lead of other jurisdictions, provincial authorities confirmed important details on providing virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic. New guidelines were issued that recommend the use of virtual care as part of the “protective self-separation” measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
This includes the use of telephone and video consultation for patients, including for care unrelated to coronavirus.
In order to comply with social distancing recommendations, Wheat City Medical will be offering virtual care starting today, March 17th, 2020. If you need to see a doctor but do not wish to expose yourself to the risk of unnecessary social interaction.
To book an appointment call 204-727-1711 now. Our medical team will set up a virtual appointment with you in which your Dr. will call you back. We hope this helps every individual receive the necessary medical care needed while remaining safe during this pandemic.